/* ============================================================================= Program : HCUP_Formats.txt Date Revised: 12/28/2023 Descripiton : Create SAS formats that may be used with SAS procedures to label the values of selected HCUP categorical data elements. For example, the following SAS statements use the NCHSF format with the Freq Procedure to label the values of PL_NCHS in the frequency listing: Proc Freq Data = NIS_2021_CORE ; Table PL_NCHS ; Format PL_NCHS NCHSF. ; Run ; The following tables list formats available for selected HCUP data elements. (Note that some data elements are not always available.) Hospital File Data Element(s) Format Name(s) =============== ============== AHAID $FBlank. HOSPNAME $FBlank. HOSPADDR $FBlank. HOSPCITY $FBlank. HOSPZIP $FBlank. HOSP_BEDSIZE FBedSzn. HOSP_CONTROL F_CNTRL. HOSP_LOCATION FLOCAT. HOSP_LOCTEACH LOCTCHN. HOSP_REGION ST_REGN. HOSP_TEACH FTEACH. IDNUMBER $FBlank. NACHTYPE FNACHTYP. Core File Data Element(s) Format Name(s) =============== ============== AGEDAY FAGEDAY. AGEMONTH FAGEMON. AMONTH NUMMONTH. ASCHED FASCHED. ASOURCE FASOURCE. ASOURCEUB92 $F1UB. or $F2UB. ASOURCE_X $FBlank. ATYPE FATYPE. AWEEKEND FAWEEKEN. CPT1-CPTnn $HCPCS. DIED FDIED. DISPUB92 FDISPUB. DISPUNIFORM FDISPUNI. DSHOSPID $FBlank. DQTR FDQTR. DXCCS1-DXCCSnn FDXCCS. or FDCCSPDX. or FLGDXCCS. E_CCS1-E_CCSn FDCCSPDX. or FLGDXCCS. ELECTIVE FELECT. FEMALE FFEMALE. HCUPAS HCUPAS. HCUPED HCUPED. HCUPOS HCUPOS. Homeless Homeless. I10_BIRTH BIRTHf. I10_DELIVERY DELIVERYf. I10_INJURY INJURYf. I10_MULTINJURY MULTINJURYf. LOS FLOS. LOS_X FLOS. NEOMAT FNEOMAT. PAY1-PAY2 FPAY. PAY1_X $FBlank. PAY2_X $FBlank. PL_MSA1993 MSA1993F. PL_NHCS NCHSF. PL_NHCS2006 NCHSF. PL_RUCA10 RUCA10F. PL_RUCA10_2005 RUCA10F. PL_RUCA4 RUCA4F. PL_RUCA4_2005 RUCA4F. PL_RUCC RUCCF. PL_RUCC2003 RUCC03F. PL_UIC UIC2003F. PL_UIC2003 UIC2003F. PL_UR_CAT4 UR_CAT4F. PL_UR_CAT5 UR_CAT5F. PRCCS1-PRCCSnn FPRCCS. or FPCCSPR. or FLGPRCCS. PRDAY1-PRDAYnn FPRDAY. RACE FRACE. SERVICELINE FSERVICE. STATEAS STATEAS. STATEED STATEED. STATEOS STATEOS. TOTCHG FTOTCHG. TOTCHG_X FTOTCHG. ZIPINC_Qrtl FZIQ. ============================================================================= */ Proc Format ; Value AGE_NEONATE /* AGE_NEONATE - neonatal age (first 28 days after birth) indicator */ 0 = "0: Non-neonatal age at admission" 1 = "1: Neonatal age at admission" ; Value BIRTHF /* ICD-10-CM Birth Indicator */ 0 = "0: No birth diagnosis reported on record" 1 = "1: Birth diagnosis reported on record, born in a hospital" 2 = "2: Birth diagnosis reported on record, born outside hospital" 3 = "3: Birth diagnosis reported on record, unspecified as to place of birth" ; Value DELIVERYF /* ICD-10-CM Delivery Indicator */ 0 = "0: No delivery diagnosis reported" 1 = "1: Delivery diagnosis reported" ; Value F1PAY /* PAY1 - Primary payer - uniform (1988-1997) */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavailable from source" 1 = "1 : Medicare" 2 = "2 : Medicaid" 3 = "3 : Prvt. Ins/HMO" 4 = "4 : Self-pay" 5 = "5 : No Charge" 6 = "6 : Other" ; Value $F1UB /* ASOURCEUB92 for ATYPE NE 4 */ "1" = "1: Physician referral" "2" = "2: Clinic referral" "3" = "3: HMO referral" "4" = "4: Transfer from a hospital" "5" = "5: Transfer from a Skilled Nursing Facility" "6" = "6: Transfer from another health care facility" "7" = "7: Emergency Room" "8" = "8: Court/law enforcement" "A" = "A: Transfer from a Critical Access Hospital" "B" = "B: Transfer from another Home Health Agency" "C" = "C: Readmission to same Home Health Agency" "D" = "D: Transfer within hospital" "E" = "E: Transfer from Ambulatory Surgery Center" "F" = "F: Transfer from Hospice and under Hospice plan" "G" - "Z" = "G-Z: Reserved for assignment by the NUBC" ; Value $F1UB04F /* PointOfOriginUB04 for ATYPE NE 4 */ "1" = "1: Non-health care facility point of origin" "2" = "2: Clinic or Physician's Office" "3" = "3: Reserved for assignment by the NUBC" "4" = "4: Transfer from a hospital (different facility)" "5" = "5: Transfer from a SNF, ICF, or ALF, other nursing facility" "6" = "6: Transfer from another health care facility" "7" = "7: Emergency Room" "8" = "8: Court/law enforcement" "9" = "9: Information not available" "A" = "A: Reserved for assignment by the NUBC" "B" = "B: Transfer from another Home Health Agency" "C" = "C: Readmission to same Home Health Agency" "D" = "D: Transfer from one distinct unit to another" "E" = "E: Transfer from Ambulatory Surgery Center" "F" = "F: Transfer from Hospice Facility" "G" = "G: Transfer from a Designated Disaster Alternate Care Site" "H" - "Z" = "H-Z: Reserved for assignment by the NUBC" ; Value F2PAY /* PAY2 - Secondary payer - uniform (1988-1997) */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavailable from source" .C = ".C: Inconsistent" 1 = "1 : Medicare" 2 = "2 : Medicaid" 3 = "3 : Private w/HMO" 4 = "4 : Self-pay" 5 = "5 : No Charge" 6 = "6 : Other" ; Value $F2UB /* ASOURCEUB92 for ATYPE EQ 4 */ "1" = "1: Normal delivery" "2" = "2: Premature delivery" "3" = "3: Sick baby" "4" = "4: Extramural birth" ; Value $F2UB04F /* PointOfOriginUB04 for ATYPE EQ 4 */ "5" = "5: Born Inside this hospital" "6" = "6: Born Outside of this hospital" ; Value FADAYWK /* ADAYWK - Admission day of week */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavailable from source" 1 = "1 : Sunday" 2 = "2 : Monday" 3 = "3 : Tuesday" 4 = "4 : Wednesday" 5 = "5 : Thursday" 6 = "6 : Friday" 7 = "7 : Saturday" ; Value FADRGRIS /* ADRGRiskMortality - All Patient Refined Risk of Mortality Subclass */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 0 = " 0 : No class specified" 1 = " 1 : Minor likelihood of dying" 2 = " 2 : Moderate likelihood of dying" 3 = " 3 : Major likelihood of dying" 4 = " 4 : Extreme likelihood of dying" ; Value FADRGSEV /* ADRGSEV - All Patient Refined DRG Complexity Subclass */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 0 = " 0 : No level specified" 1 = " 1 : Minor loss of function" 2 = " 2 : Moderate loss of function" 3 = " 3 : Major loss of function" 4 = " 4 : Extreme loss of function" ; Value FAGEDAY /* AGEDAY - Age in days (when AGE is less than 1 year) */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavail from source" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" 0 = " 0 days" 1 = " 1 day" 2 = " 2 days" 3 = " 3 days" 4 = " 4 days" 5 = " 5 days" 6 = " 6 days" 7 = " 7 days" 8 = " 8 days" 9 = " 9 days" 10 = " 10 days" 11 - 30 = " 11 - 30 days" 31 - 60 = " 31 - 60 days" 61 - 90 = " 61 - 90 days" 91 - 120 = " 91 - 120 days" 121 - 150 = " 121 - 150 days" 151 - 180 = " 151 - 180 days" 181 - 210 = " 181 - 210 days" 211 - 240 = " 211 - 240 days" 241 - 270 = " 241 - 270 days" 271 - 300 = " 271 - 300 days" 301 - 330 = " 301 - 330 days" 331 - 364 = " 331 - 364 days" ; Value FAGEMON /* AGEMONTH - Age in months (when AGE is less than 11 years) */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavail from source" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" 0 = " 0 months" 1 = " 1 month" 2 = " 2 months" 3 = " 3 months" 4 = " 4 months" 5 = " 5 months" 6 = " 6 months" 7 = " 7 months" 8 = " 8 months" 9 = " 9 months" 10 = " 10 months" 11 = " 11 months" 12 = " 12 months" 13 - 24 = " 13 - 24 months" 25 - 36 = " 25 - 36 months" 37 - 48 = " 37 - 48 months" 49 - 60 = " 49 - 60 months" 61 - 72 = " 61 - 72 months" 73 - 84 = " 73 - 84 months" 85 - 96 = " 85 - 96 months" 97 - 108 = " 97 - 108 months" 109 - 120 = "109 - 120 months" 121 - 131 = "121 - 131 months" ; Value FANESTH /* ANESTH - Method of anesthesia */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 0 = " 0 : No anesthesia" 10 = "10 : Local anesthesia" 20 = "20 : General anesthesia" 30 = "30 : Regional anesthesia" 40 = "40 : Other anesthesia" ; Value FASCHED /* ASCHED - Scheduled versus unscheduled admission */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 0 = " 0 : Unscheduled admission" 1 = " 1 : Scheduled admission" ; Value FASOURCE /* ASOURCE - Admission source, uniform coding */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavailable from source" 1 = " 1 : Emergency department" 2 = " 2 : Another hospital" 3 = " 3 : Other health facility, including LTC" 4 = " 4 : Court/law enforcement" 5 = " 5 : Routine, birth, and other" ; Value FATYPE /* ATYPE - Admission type */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavail from source" 1 = "1 : Emergency" 2 = "2 : Urgent" 3 = "3 : Elective" 4 = "4 : Newborn" 5 = "5 : Trauma center" 6 = "6 : Other" ; Value FAWEEKEND /* AWEEKEND - Admission day is on a weekend */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : Monday-Friday" 1 = "1 : Saturday-Sunday" ; Value FBEDSZN /* st_bedsz mapping */ 1 = "1: Small" 2 = "2: Medium" 3 = "3: Large" ; Value $FBLANK /* Blank, Non-Blank */ "OTHER" = "Non-blank" ; Value FDCCSPDX /* ICD-9-CM DX CCS ranges labels */ .A = ".A: Invalid diagnosis" .C = ".C: Inconsistent diagnosis" 1 - 10 = " 1: Infectious and Parasitic DX" 11 - 47 = " 2: Neoplasms" 48 - 58 = " 3: Endocr, Nutri, Metab, Immun DX" 59 - 64 = " 4: Dx of Blood, Blood-Forming Organs" 65 - 75 = " 5: Mental Disorders" 76 - 95 = " 6: Dx of Nervous System, Sense Organs" 96 - 121 = " 7: Dx of Circulatory System" 122 - 134 = " 8: Dx of Respiratory System" 135 - 155 = " 9: Dx of Digestive System" 156 - 175 = "10: Dx of Genitourinary System" 176 - 196 = "11: Complic Preg, Birth, Puerperium" 197 - 200 = "12: Dx of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue" 201 - 212 = "13: Dx of Musculoskel, Connective Tissue" 213 - 217 = "14: Congenital Anomalies" 218 - 224 = "15: Perinatal Conditions" 225 - 244 = "16: Injury and Poisoning" 245 - 259 = "17: Other Conditions" 260 = "18: E codes" 2601 - 2621 = "18: E codes" ; Value FDIED /* DIED - Died during hospitalization */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavailable from source" 0 = "0 : Did not die in hospital" 1 = "1 : Died in hospital" ; Value FDISP /* DISP - Disposition of patient */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavailable from source" 1 = " 1 : Routine" 2 = " 2 : Short-term Hsp" 3 = " 3 : SNF" 4 = " 4 : ICF" 5 = " 5 : Other Facility" 6 = " 6 : Home Health" 7 = " 7 : AMA" 20 = "20 : Died" ; Value FDISPH /* DISPUniform - Disposition of patient, uniform coding, HCUP3 (1988-1997) */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 1 = " 1 : Routine" 2 = " 2 : Transfer: short-term hospital" 3 = " 3 : Skilled nursing facility" 4 = " 4 : Intermediate care facility" 5 = " 5 : Transfer: other type of facility" 6 = " 6 : Home health care" 7 = " 7 : Against medical advice" 20 = "20 : Died in hospital" 99 = "99 : Discharged alive, destination unknown" ; Value FDISPUB /* DISPUB92 - Disposition of patient, UB92 coding */ .A = " .A: Invalid" -1 = "........................................................................................................................." 1 = " 1 : Home or self care (routine discharge)" 2 = " 2 : Discharged/transferred to a Short-Term General Hospital for Inpatient Care" 3 = " 3 : Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) with Medicare certification in anticipation of skilled care" 4 = " 4 : Discharged/transferred to a facility that provides custodial or supportive care" 5 = " 5 : Effective 10/1/07: Discharged/transferred to a Designated Cancer Center or Children's Hospital" 6 = " 6 : Home health care" 7 = " 7 : Against medical advice" 8 = " 8 : Home under care of a home IV provider" 9 = " 9 : Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital" 20 = "20 : Expired in hospital" 21 = "21 : Discharged/transferred to court law enforcement" 30 = "30 : Still patient" 40 = "40 : Expired at home" 41 = "41 : Expired in a medical facility" 42 = "42 : Expired, place unknown" 43 = "43 : Federal health facility" 50 = "50 : Hospice - home" 51 = "51 : Hospice - medical facility (certified) providing hospice level of care" 61 = "61 : This institution to a swing bed" 62 = "62 : Discharged/transferred to an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) including distinct rehab units of a hospital" 63 = "63 : Discharged/transferred to a Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH)" 64 = "64 : Discharged/transferred to a Nursing Facility certified under Medicaid, but not certified under Medicare" 65 = "65 : Psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital" 66 = "66 : Critical Access Hospital" 69 = "69 : Designated disaster alternate care site" 70 = "70 : Discharged/transferred to another type of institution not defined elsewhere" 71 = "71 : Another institution for outpatient services" 72 = "72 : This institution for outpatient services" 81 = "81 : Home or Self Care with Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 82 = "82 : Short Term General Hospital for Inpatient Care with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 83 = "83 : SNF with Medicare Certification with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 84 = "84 : Facility that Provides Custodial or Supportive Care with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 85 = "85 : Designated Cancer Center or Children's Hospital with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 86 = "86 : Home Under Care of Organized Home Health Organization with Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 87 = "87 : Court/Law Enforcement with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 88 = "88 : Federal Health Care Facility with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 89 = "89 : Hospital-based Medicare Approved Swing Bed with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 90 = "90 : IRF including Rehabilitation Distinct Part of a Hospital with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 91 = "91 : Medicare Certified Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 92 = "92 : Nursing Facility Certified by Medicaid but not Certified by Medicare with Planned Acute Care Hosp IP Readmission" 93 = "93 : Psychiatric Hospital or Psychiatric Distinct Part of a Hospital with a Planned Acute Care Hosp IP Readmission" 94 = "94 : Critical Access Hospital (CAH) with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 95 = "95 : Another Type of Health Care Institution with a Planned Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Readmission" 99 = "99 : Discharged alive, destination unknown" ; Value FDISPUNI /* DISPUniform - Disposition of patient, uniform coding */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 1 = " 1 : Discharged to home or self care" 2 = " 2 : Transfer: short-term hospital" 5 = " 5 : Transfer: other type of facility" 6 = " 6 : Home health care" 7 = " 7 : Against medical advice" 20 = "20 : Died in hospital" 21 = "21 : Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement" 99 = "99 : Discharged alive, destination unknown" ; Value FDNR /* DNR - Do not resuscitate */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : No do not resuscitate order" 1 = "1 : Do not resuscitate order" ; Value FDQTR /* DQTR - Discharge quarter */ 0 = "0: Invalid" 1 = "1: First quarter" 2 = "2: Second quarter" 3 = "3: Third quarter" 4 = "4: Fourth quarter" ; Value FDXCCS /* ICD-9-CM DX CCS ranges labels */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" 1 - 259 = " 1- 259: CCS category" 260 = " 260: CCS E code category" 650 - 670 = " 650- 670: CCS mental health category" 2601 - 2621 = "2601-2621: CCS E code category" ; Value FDXSYS /* DXSYS - Diagnosis system */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 1 = "1 : ICD-9-CM" ; Value FELECT /* ELECTIVE - Elective versus non-elective admission */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0: Non-elective admission" 1 = "1: Elective admission" ; Value FFEMALE /* FEMALE - Indicator of sex */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .C = ".C: Inconsistent" 0 = "0 : Male" 1 = "1 : Female" ; Value FLGDXCCS /* ICD-9-CM DX CCS labels */ .A = " A: Invalid" .C = " C: Inconsistent" .Z = " Z: Overall" 1 = " 1: Tuberculosis" 2 = " 2: Septicemia (except in labor)" 3 = " 3: Bacterial infection; unspecified site" 4 = " 4: Mycoses" 5 = " 5: HIV infection" 6 = " 6: Hepatitis" 7 = " 7: Viral infection" 8 = " 8: Other infections; including parasitic" 9 = " 9: Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis)" 10 = " 10: Immunizations and screening for infectious disease" 11 = " 11: Cancer of head and neck" 12 = " 12: Cancer of esophagus" 13 = " 13: Cancer of stomach" 14 = " 14: Cancer of colon" 15 = " 15: Cancer of rectum and anus" 16 = " 16: Cancer of liver and intrahepatic bile duct" 17 = " 17: Cancer of pancreas" 18 = " 18: Cancer of other GI organs; peritoneum" 19 = " 19: Cancer of bronchus; lung" 20 = " 20: Cancer; other respiratory and intrathoracic" 21 = " 21: Cancer of bone and connective tissue" 22 = " 22: Melanomas of skin" 23 = " 23: Other non-epithelial cancer of skin" 24 = " 24: Cancer of breast" 25 = " 25: Cancer of uterus" 26 = " 26: Cancer of cervix" 27 = " 27: Cancer of ovary" 28 = " 28: Cancer of other female genital organs" 29 = " 29: Cancer of prostate" 30 = " 30: Cancer of testis" 31 = " 31: Cancer of other male genital organs" 32 = " 32: Cancer of bladder" 33 = " 33: Cancer of kidney and renal pelvis" 34 = " 34: Cancer of other urinary organs" 35 = " 35: Cancer of brain and nervous system" 36 = " 36: Cancer of thyroid" 37 = " 37: Hodgkin`s disease" 38 = " 38: Non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma" 39 = " 39: Leukemias" 40 = " 40: Multiple myeloma" 41 = " 41: Cancer; other and unspecified primary" 42 = " 42: Secondary malignancies" 43 = " 43: Malignant neoplasm without specification of site" 44 = " 44: Neoplasms of unspecified nature or uncertain behavior" 45 = " 45: Maintenance chemotherapy; radiotherapy" 46 = " 46: Benign neoplasm of uterus" 47 = " 47: Other and unspecified benign neoplasm" 48 = " 48: Thyroid disorders" 49 = " 49: Diabetes mellitus without complication" 50 = " 50: Diabetes mellitus with complications" 51 = " 51: Other endocrine disorders" 52 = " 52: Nutritional deficiencies" 53 = " 53: Disorders of lipid metabolism" 54 = " 54: Gout and other crystal arthropathies" 55 = " 55: Fluid and electrolyte disorders" 56 = " 56: Cystic fibrosis" 57 = " 57: Immunity disorders" 58 = " 58: Other nutritional; endocrine; and metabolic disorders" 59 = " 59: Deficiency and other anemia" 60 = " 60: Acute posthemorrhagic anemia" 61 = " 61: Sickle cell anemia" 62 = " 62: Coagulation and hemorrhagic disorders" 63 = " 63: Diseases of white blood cells" 64 = " 64: Other hematologic conditions" 65 = " 65: Mental retardation" 66 = " 66: Alcohol-related mental disorders" 67 = " 67: Substance-related mental disorders" 68 = " 68: Senility and organic mental disorders" 69 = " 69: Affective disorders" 70 = " 70: Schizophrenia and related disorders" 71 = " 71: Other psychoses" 72 = " 72: Anxiety; somatoform; dissociative; and personality disorders" 73 = " 73: Preadult disorders" 74 = " 74: Other mental conditions" 75 = " 75: Personal history of mental disorder; mental and behavioral problems; observation and screening for mental condition" 76 = " 76: Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)" 77 = " 77: Encephalitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)" 78 = " 78: Other CNS infection and poliomyelitis" 79 = " 79: Parkinson`s disease" 80 = " 80: Multiple sclerosis" 81 = " 81: Other hereditary and degenerative nervous system conditions" 82 = " 82: Paralysis" 83 = " 83: Epilepsy; convulsions" 84 = " 84: Headache; including migraine" 85 = " 85: Coma; stupor; and brain damage" 86 = " 86: Cataract" 87 = " 87: Retinal detachments; defects; vascular occlusion; and retinopathy" 88 = " 88: Glaucoma" 89 = " 89: Blindness and vision defects" 90 = " 90: Inflammation; infection of eye (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitteddisease)" 91 = " 91: Other eye disorders" 92 = " 92: Otitis media and related conditions" 93 = " 93: Conditions associated with dizziness or vertigo" 94 = " 94: Other ear and sense organ disorders" 95 = " 95: Other nervous system disorders" 96 = " 96: Heart valve disorders" 97 = " 97: Peri-; endo-; and myocarditis; cardiomyopathy (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)" 98 = " 98: Essential hypertension" 99 = " 99: Hypertension with complications and secondary hypertension" 100 = " 100: Acute myocardial infarction" 101 = " 101: Coronary atherosclerosis and other heart disease" 102 = " 102: Nonspecific chest pain" 103 = " 103: Pulmonary heart disease" 104 = " 104: Other and ill-defined heart disease" 105 = " 105: Conduction disorders" 106 = " 106: Cardiac dysrhythmias" 107 = " 107: Cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation" 108 = " 108: Congestive heart failure; nonhypertensive" 109 = " 109: Acute cerebrovascular disease" 110 = " 110: Occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries" 111 = " 111: Other and ill-defined cerebrovascular disease" 112 = " 112: Transient cerebral ischemia" 113 = " 113: Late effects of cerebrovascular disease" 114 = " 114: Peripheral and visceral atherosclerosis" 115 = " 115: Aortic; peripheral; and visceral artery aneurysms" 116 = " 116: Aortic and peripheral arterial embolism or thrombosis" 117 = " 117: Other circulatory disease" 118 = " 118: Phlebitis; thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism" 119 = " 119: Varicose veins of lower extremity" 120 = " 120: Hemorrhoids" 121 = " 121: Other diseases of veins and lymphatics" 122 = " 122: Pneumonia (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)" 123 = " 123: Influenza" 124 = " 124: Acute and chronic tonsillitis" 125 = " 125: Acute bronchitis" 126 = " 126: Other upper respiratory infections" 127 = " 127: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis" 128 = " 128: Asthma" 129 = " 129: Aspiration pneumonitis; food/vomitus" 130 = " 130: Pleurisy; pneumothorax; pulmonary collapse" 131 = " 131: Respiratory failure; insufficiency; arrest (adult)" 132 = " 132: Lung disease due to external agents" 133 = " 133: Other lower respiratory disease" 134 = " 134: Other upper respiratory disease" 135 = " 135: Intestinal infection" 136 = " 136: Disorders of teeth and jaw" 137 = " 137: Diseases of mouth; excluding dental" 138 = " 138: Esophageal disorders" 139 = " 139: Gastroduodenal ulcer (except hemorrhage)" 140 = " 140: Gastritis and duodenitis" 141 = " 141: Other disorders of stomach and duodenum" 142 = " 142: Appendicitis and other appendiceal conditions" 143 = " 143: Abdominal hernia" 144 = " 144: Regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis" 145 = " 145: Intestinal obstruction without hernia" 146 = " 146: Diverticulosis and diverticulitis" 147 = " 147: Anal and rectal conditions" 148 = " 148: Peritonitis and intestinal abscess" 149 = " 149: Biliary tract disease" 150 = " 150: Liver disease; alcohol-related" 151 = " 151: Other liver diseases" 152 = " 152: Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes)" 153 = " 153: Gastrointestinal hemorrhage" 154 = " 154: Noninfectious gastroenteritis" 155 = " 155: Other gastrointestinal disorders" 156 = " 156: Nephritis; nephrosis; renal sclerosis" 157 = " 157: Acute and unspecified renal failure" 158 = " 158: Chronic kidney disease" 159 = " 159: Urinary tract infections" 160 = " 160: Calculus of urinary tract" 161 = " 161: Other diseases of kidney and ureters" 162 = " 162: Other diseases of bladder and urethra" 163 = " 163: Genitourinary symptoms and ill-defined conditions" 164 = " 164: Hyperplasia of prostate" 165 = " 165: Inflammatory conditions of male genital organs" 166 = " 166: Other male genital disorders" 167 = " 167: Nonmalignant breast conditions" 168 = " 168: Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs" 169 = " 169: Endometriosis" 170 = " 170: Prolapse of female genital organs" 171 = " 171: Menstrual disorders" 172 = " 172: Ovarian cyst" 173 = " 173: Menopausal disorders" 174 = " 174: Female infertility" 175 = " 175: Other female genital disorders" 176 = " 176: Contraceptive and procreative management" 177 = " 177: Spontaneous abortion" 178 = " 178: Induced abortion" 179 = " 179: Postabortion complications" 180 = " 180: Ectopic pregnancy" 181 = " 181: Other complications of pregnancy" 182 = " 182: Hemorrhage during pregnancy; abruptio placenta; placenta previa" 183 = " 183: Hypertension complicating pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium" 184 = " 184: Early or threatened labor" 185 = " 185: Prolonged pregnancy" 186 = " 186: Diabetes or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy; childbirth; or the puerperium" 187 = " 187: Malposition; malpresentation" 188 = " 188: Fetopelvic disproportion; obstruction" 189 = " 189: Previous C-section" 190 = " 190: Fetal distress and abnormal forces of labor" 191 = " 191: Polyhydramnios and other problems of amniotic cavity" 192 = " 192: Umbilical cord complication" 193 = " 193: OB-related trauma to perineum and vulva" 194 = " 194: Forceps delivery" 195 = " 195: Other complications of birth; puerperium affecting management of mother" 196 = " 196: Normal pregnancy and/or delivery" 197 = " 197: Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections" 198 = " 198: Other inflammatory condition of skin" 199 = " 199: Chronic ulcer of skin" 200 = " 200: Other skin disorders" 201 = " 201: Infective arthritis and osteomyelitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)" 202 = " 202: Rheumatoid arthritis and related disease" 203 = " 203: Osteoarthritis" 204 = " 204: Other non-traumatic joint disorders" 205 = " 205: Spondylosis; intervertebral disc disorders; other back problems" 206 = " 206: Osteoporosis" 207 = " 207: Pathological fracture" 208 = " 208: Acquired foot deformities" 209 = " 209: Other acquired deformities" 210 = " 210: Systemic lupus erythematosus and connective tissue disorders" 211 = " 211: Other connective tissue disease" 212 = " 212: Other bone disease and musculoskeletal deformities" 213 = " 213: Cardiac and circulatory congenital anomalies" 214 = " 214: Digestive congenital anomalies" 215 = " 215: Genitourinary congenital anomalies" 216 = " 216: Nervous system congenital anomalies" 217 = " 217: Other congenital anomalies" 218 = " 218: Liveborn" 219 = " 219: Short gestation; low birth weight; and fetal growth retardation" 220 = " 220: Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia" 221 = " 221: Respiratory distress syndrome" 222 = " 222: Hemolytic jaundice and perinatal jaundice" 223 = " 223: Birth trauma" 224 = " 224: Other perinatal conditions" 225 = " 225: Joint disorders and dislocations; trauma-related" 226 = " 226: Fracture of neck of femur (hip)" 227 = " 227: Spinal cord injury" 228 = " 228: Skull and face fractures" 229 = " 229: Fracture of upper limb" 230 = " 230: Fracture of lower limb" 231 = " 231: Other fractures" 232 = " 232: Sprains and strains" 233 = " 233: Intracranial injury" 234 = " 234: Crushing injury or internal injury" 235 = " 235: Open wounds of head; neck; and trunk" 236 = " 236: Open wounds of extremities" 237 = " 237: Complication of device; implant or graft" 238 = " 238: Complications of surgical procedures or medical care" 239 = " 239: Superficial injury; contusion" 240 = " 240: Burns" 241 = " 241: Poisoning by psychotropic agents" 242 = " 242: Poisoning by other medications and drugs" 243 = " 243: Poisoning by nonmedicinal substances" 244 = " 244: Other injuries and conditions due to external causes" 245 = " 245: Syncope" 246 = " 246: Fever of unknown origin" 247 = " 247: Lymphadenitis" 248 = " 248: Gangrene" 249 = " 249: Shock" 250 = " 250: Nausea and vomiting" 251 = " 251: Abdominal pain" 252 = " 252: Malaise and fatigue" 253 = " 253: Allergic reactions" 254 = " 254: Rehabilitation care; fitting of prostheses; and adjustment of devices" 255 = " 255: Administrative/social admission" 256 = " 256: Medical examination/evaluation" 257 = " 257: Other aftercare" 258 = " 258: Other screening for suspected conditions (not mental disorders or infectious disease)" 259 = " 259: Residual codes; unclassified" 260 = " 260: E Codes: All (external causes of injury and poisoning)" 650 = " 650: Adjustment disorders" 651 = " 651: Anxiety disorders" 652 = " 652: Attention-deficit, conduct, and disruptive behavior disorders" 653 = " 653: Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders" 654 = " 654: Developmental disorders" 655 = " 655: Disorders usually diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence" 656 = " 656: Impulse control disorders, NEC" 657 = " 657: Mood disorders" 658 = " 658: Personality disorders" 659 = " 659: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders" 660 = " 660: Alcohol-related disorders" 661 = " 661: Substance-related disorders" 662 = " 662: Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury" 663 = " 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance abuse codes" 670 = " 670: Miscellaneous disorders" 2601 = "2601: E Codes: Cut/pierceb" 2602 = "2602: E Codes: Drowning/submersion" 2603 = "2603: E Codes: Fall" 2604 = "2604: E Codes: Fire/burn" 2605 = "2605: E Codes: Firearm" 2606 = "2606: E Codes: Machinery" 2607 = "2607: E Codes: Motor vehicle traffic (MVT)" 2608 = "2608: E Codes: Pedal cyclist; not MVT" 2609 = "2609: E Codes: Pedestrian; not MVT" 2610 = "2610: E Codes: Transport; not MVT" 2611 = "2611: E Codes: Natural/environment" 2612 = "2612: E Codes: Overexertion" 2613 = "2613: E Codes: Poisoning" 2614 = "2614: E Codes: Struck by; against" 2615 = "2615: E Codes: Suffocation" 2616 = "2616: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical care" 2617 = "2617: E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs" 2618 = "2618: E Codes: Other specified and classifiable" 2619 = "2619: E Codes: Other specified; NEC" 2620 = "2620: E Codes: Unspecified" 2621 = "2621: E Codes: Place of occurrence" ; Value FLGPRCCS /* ICD-9-CM PR CCS labels */ .A = " A: Invalid" .C = " C: Inconsistent" .Z = " Z: Overall" 1 = " 1: Incision and excision of CNS" 2 = " 2: Insertion; replacement; or removal of extracranial ventricular shunt" 3 = " 3: Laminectomy; excision intervertebral disc" 4 = " 4: Diagnostic spinal tap" 5 = " 5: Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal" 6 = " 6: Decompression peripheral nerve" 7 = " 7: Other diagnostic nervous system procedures" 8 = " 8: Other non-OR or closed therapeutic nervous system procedures" 9 = " 9: Other OR therapeutic nervous system procedures" 10 = " 10: Thyroidectomy; partial or complete" 11 = " 11: Diagnostic endocrine procedures" 12 = " 12: Other therapeutic endocrine procedures" 13 = " 13: Corneal transplant" 14 = " 14: Glaucoma procedures" 15 = " 15: Lens and cataract procedures" 16 = " 16: Repair of retinal tear; detachment" 17 = " 17: Destruction of lesion of retina and choroid" 18 = " 18: Diagnostic procedures on eye" 19 = " 19: Other therapeutic procedures on eyelids; conjunctiva; cornea" 20 = " 20: Other intraocular therapeutic procedures" 21 = " 21: Other extraocular muscle and orbit therapeutic procedures" 22 = " 22: Tympanoplasty" 23 = " 23: Myringotomy" 24 = " 24: Mastoidectomy" 25 = " 25: Diagnostic procedures on ear" 26 = " 26: Other therapeutic ear procedures" 27 = " 27: Control of epistaxis" 28 = " 28: Plastic procedures on nose" 29 = " 29: Dental procedures" 30 = " 30: Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy" 31 = " 31: Diagnostic procedures on nose; mouth and pharynx" 32 = " 32: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures on nose; mouth and pharynx" 33 = " 33: Other OR therapeutic procedures on nose; mouth and pharynx" 34 = " 34: Tracheostomy; temporary and permanent" 35 = " 35: Tracheoscopy and laryngoscopy with biopsy" 36 = " 36: Lobectomy or pneumonectomy" 37 = " 37: Diagnostic bronchoscopy and biopsy of bronchus" 38 = " 38: Other diagnostic procedures on lung and bronchus" 39 = " 39: Incision of pleura; thoracentesis; chest drainage" 40 = " 40: Other diagnostic procedures of respiratory tract and mediastinum" 41 = " 41: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures on respiratory system" 42 = " 42: Other OR Rx procedures on respiratory system and mediastinum" 43 = " 43: Heart valve procedures" 44 = " 44: Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)" 45 = " 45: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)" 46 = " 46: Coronary thrombolysis" 47 = " 47: Diagnostic cardiac catheterization; coronary arteriography" 48 = " 48: Insertion; revision; replacement; removal of cardiac pacemaker or cardioverter/defibrillator" 49 = " 49: Other OR heart procedures" 50 = " 50: Extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart procedures" 51 = " 51: Endarterectomy; vessel of head and neck" 52 = " 52: Aortic resection; replacement or anastomosis" 53 = " 53: Varicose vein stripping; lower limb" 54 = " 54: Other vascular catheterization; not heart" 55 = " 55: Peripheral vascular bypass" 56 = " 56: Other vascular bypass and shunt; not heart" 57 = " 57: Creation; revision and removal of arteriovenous fistula or vessel-to-vessel cannula for dialysis" 58 = " 58: Hemodialysis" 59 = " 59: Other OR procedures on vessels of head and neck" 60 = " 60: Embolectomy and endarterectomy of lower limbs" 61 = " 61: Other OR procedures on vessels other than head and neck" 62 = " 62: Other diagnostic cardiovascular procedures" 63 = " 63: Other non-OR therapeutic cardiovascular procedures" 64 = " 64: Bone marrow transplant" 65 = " 65: Bone marrow biopsy" 66 = " 66: Procedures on spleen" 67 = " 67: Other therapeutic procedures; hemic and lymphatic system" 68 = " 68: Injection or ligation of esophageal varices" 69 = " 69: Esophageal dilatation" 70 = " 70: Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy; biopsy" 71 = " 71: Gastrostomy; temporary and permanent" 72 = " 72: Colostomy; temporary and permanent" 73 = " 73: Ileostomy and other enterostomy" 74 = " 74: Gastrectomy; partial and total" 75 = " 75: Small bowel resection" 76 = " 76: Colonoscopy and biopsy" 77 = " 77: Proctoscopy and anorectal biopsy" 78 = " 78: Colorectal resection" 79 = " 79: Local excision of large intestine lesion (not endoscopic)" 80 = " 80: Appendectomy" 81 = " 81: Hemorrhoid procedures" 82 = " 82: Fluoroscopy of the biliary and pancreatic ducts (ERCP, ERC and ERP)" 83 = " 83: Biopsy of liver" 84 = " 84: Cholecystectomy and common duct exploration" 85 = " 85: Inguinal and femoral hernia repair" 86 = " 86: Other hernia repair" 87 = " 87: Laparoscopy (GI only)" 88 = " 88: Abdominal paracentesis" 89 = " 89: Exploratory laparotomy" 90 = " 90: Excision; lysis peritoneal adhesions" 91 = " 91: Peritoneal dialysis" 92 = " 92: Other bowel diagnostic procedures" 93 = " 93: Other non-OR upper GI therapeutic procedures" 94 = " 94: Other OR upper GI therapeutic procedures" 95 = " 95: Other non-OR lower GI therapeutic procedures" 96 = " 96: Other OR lower GI therapeutic procedures" 97 = " 97: Other gastrointestinal diagnostic procedures" 98 = " 98: Other non-OR gastrointestinal therapeutic procedures" 99 = " 99: Other OR gastrointestinal therapeutic procedures" 100 = " 100: Endoscopy and endoscopic biopsy of the urinary tract" 101 = " 101: Transurethral excision; drainage; or removal urinary obstruction" 102 = " 102: Ureteral catheterization" 103 = " 103: Nephrotomy and nephrostomy" 104 = " 104: Nephrectomy; partial or complete" 105 = " 105: Kidney transplant" 106 = " 106: Genitourinary incontinence procedures" 107 = " 107: Extracorporeal lithotripsy; urinary" 108 = " 108: Indwelling catheter" 109 = " 109: Procedures on the urethra" 110 = " 110: Other diagnostic procedures of urinary tract" 111 = " 111: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures of urinary tract" 112 = " 112: Other OR therapeutic procedures of urinary tract" 113 = " 113: Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)" 114 = " 114: Open prostatectomy" 115 = " 115: Circumcision" 116 = " 116: Diagnostic procedures; male genital" 117 = " 117: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures; male genital" 118 = " 118: Other OR therapeutic procedures; male genital" 119 = " 119: Oophorectomy; unilateral and bilateral" 120 = " 120: Other operations on ovary" 121 = " 121: Ligation or occlusion of fallopian tubes" 122 = " 122: Removal of ectopic pregnancy" 123 = " 123: Other operations on fallopian tubes" 124 = " 124: Hysterectomy; abdominal and vaginal" 125 = " 125: Other excision of cervix and uterus" 126 = " 126: Abortion (termination of pregnancy)" 127 = " 127: Dilatation and curettage (D&C); aspiration after delivery or abortion" 128 = " 128: Diagnostic dilatation and curettage (D&C)" 129 = " 129: Repair of cystocele and rectocele; obliteration of vaginal vault" 130 = " 130: Other diagnostic procedures; female organs" 131 = " 131: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures; female organs" 132 = " 132: Other OR therapeutic procedures; female organs" 133 = " 133: Episiotomy" 134 = " 134: Cesarean section" 135 = " 135: Forceps; vacuum; and breech delivery" 136 = " 136: Artificial rupture of membranes to assist delivery" 137 = " 137: Other procedures to assist delivery" 138 = " 138: Diagnostic amniocentesis" 139 = " 139: Fetal monitoring" 140 = " 140: Repair of current obstetric laceration" 141 = " 141: Other therapeutic obstetrical procedures" 142 = " 142: Partial excision bone" 143 = " 143: Bunionectomy or repair of toe deformities" 144 = " 144: Treatment; facial fracture or dislocation" 145 = " 145: Treatment; fracture or dislocation of radius and ulna" 146 = " 146: Treatment; fracture or dislocation of hip and femur" 147 = " 147: Treatment; fracture or dislocation of lower extremity (other than hip or femur)" 148 = " 148: Other fracture and dislocation procedure" 149 = " 149: Arthroscopy" 150 = " 150: Division of joint capsule; ligament or cartilage" 151 = " 151: Excision of semilunar cartilage of knee" 152 = " 152: Arthroplasty knee" 153 = " 153: Hip replacement; total and partial" 154 = " 154: Arthroplasty other than hip or knee" 155 = " 155: Arthrocentesis" 156 = " 156: Injections and aspirations of muscles; tendons; bursa; joints and soft tissue" 157 = " 157: Amputation of lower extremity" 158 = " 158: Spinal fusion" 159 = " 159: Other diagnostic procedures on musculoskeletal system" 160 = " 160: Other therapeutic procedures on muscles and tendons" 161 = " 161: Other OR therapeutic procedures on bone" 162 = " 162: Other OR therapeutic procedures on joints" 163 = " 163: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures on musculoskeletal system" 164 = " 164: Other OR therapeutic procedures on musculoskeletal system" 165 = " 165: Breast biopsy and other diagnostic procedures on breast" 166 = " 166: Lumpectomy; quadrantectomy of breast" 167 = " 167: Mastectomy" 168 = " 168: Incision and drainage; skin and subcutaneous tissue" 169 = " 169: Debridement of wound; infection or burn" 170 = " 170: Excision of skin lesion" 171 = " 171: Suture of skin and subcutaneous tissue" 172 = " 172: Skin graft" 173 = " 173: Other diagnostic procedures on skin and subcutaneous tissue" 174 = " 174: Other non-OR therapeutic procedures on skin and breast" 175 = " 175: Other OR therapeutic procedures on skin and breast" 176 = " 176: Organ transplantation (other than bone marrow, corneal or kidney)" 177 = " 177: Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan head" 178 = " 178: CT scan chest" 179 = " 179: CT scan abdomen" 180 = " 180: Other CT scan" 181 = " 181: Myelogram" 182 = " 182: Mammography" 183 = " 183: Routine chest X-ray" 184 = " 184: Intraoperative cholangiogram" 185 = " 185: Upper gastrointestinal X-ray" 186 = " 186: Lower gastrointestinal X-ray" 187 = " 187: Intravenous pyelogram" 188 = " 188: Cerebral arteriogram" 189 = " 189: Contrast aortogram" 190 = " 190: Contrast arteriogram of femoral and lower extremity arteries" 191 = " 191: Arterio- or venogram (not heart and head)" 192 = " 192: Diagnostic ultrasound of head and neck" 193 = " 193: Diagnostic ultrasound of heart (echocardiogram)" 194 = " 194: Diagnostic ultrasound of gastrointestinal tract" 195 = " 195: Diagnostic ultrasound of urinary tract" 196 = " 196: Diagnostic ultrasound of abdomen or retroperitoneum" 197 = " 197: Other diagnostic ultrasound" 198 = " 198: Magnetic resonance imaging" 199 = " 199: Electroencephalogram (EEG)" 200 = " 200: Nonoperative urinary system measurements" 201 = " 201: Cardiac stress tests" 202 = " 202: Electrocardiogram" 203 = " 203: Electrographic cardiac monitoring" 204 = " 204: Swan-Ganz catheterization for monitoring" 205 = " 205: Arterial blood gases" 206 = " 206: Microscopic examination (bacterial smear; culture; toxicology)" 207 = " 207: Nuclear medicine imaging of bone" 208 = " 208: Nuclear medicine imaging of pulmonary" 209 = " 209: Non-imaging nuclear medicine probe or assay" 210 = " 210: Other nuclear medicine imaging" 211 = " 211: Radiation therapy" 212 = " 212: Diagnostic physical therapy" 213 = " 213: Physical therapy exercises; manipulation; and other procedures" 214 = " 214: Traction; splints; and other wound care" 215 = " 215: Other physical therapy and rehabilitation" 216 = " 216: Respiratory intubation and mechanical ventilation" 217 = " 217: Other respiratory therapy" 218 = " 218: Psychological and psychiatric evaluation and therapy" 219 = " 219: Alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification" 220 = " 220: Ophthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment" 221 = " 221: Nasogastric tube" 222 = " 222: Blood transfusion" 223 = " 223: Enteral and parenteral nutrition" 224 = " 224: Cancer chemotherapy" 225 = " 225: Conversion of cardiac rhythm" 226 = " 226: Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques" 227 = " 227: Other diagnostic procedures" 228 = " 228: Prophylactic vaccinations and inoculations" 229 = " 229: Nonoperative removal of foreign body" 230 = " 230: Extracorporeal shock wave other than urinary" 231 = " 231: Other therapeutic procedures" ; Value FLOCAT /* Hospital location */ 0 = "0: Rural" 1 = "1: Urban" ; Value FLOS /* LOS - Length of stay, cleaned; LOS_X - Length of stay, as received from data source */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavail from source" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" 0 = " 0 days" 1 = " 1 day" 2 = " 2 days" 3 = " 3 days" 4 = " 4 days" 5 = " 5 days" 6 = " 6 days" 7 = " 7 days" 8 = " 8 days" 9 = " 9 days" 10 = " 10 days" 11 - 30 = " 11 - 30 days" 31 - 60 = " 31 - 60 days" 61 - 90 = " 61 - 90 days" 91 - 120 = " 91 - 120 days" 121 - 150 = " 121 - 150 days" 151 - 180 = " 151 - 180 days" 181 - 210 = " 181 - 210 days" 211 - 240 = " 211 - 240 days" 241 - 270 = " 241 - 270 days" 271 - 300 = " 271 - 300 days" 301 - 330 = " 301 - 330 days" 331 - 365 = " 331 - 365 days" 366 - 1095 = " 366 - 1095 days" ; Value $FMQGROUPERCELL /* MQGrouperCell - MediQual Total Charges Grouper Cell */ "0" = "0: None" "1" = "1: Minimal" "2" = "2: Moderate" "3" = "3: Severe" "4" = "4: Maximal" "A" = "A: Invalid" ; Value $FMQNORES /* MQNORESP - MediQual Midstay Nonresponder Indicator */ "A" = "A: Invalid" "I" = "I: Patient ineligible for calculation" "N" = "N: Patient responding to treatment" "Y" = "Y: Patient is nonresponder" ; Value FMQSEVER /* MQSEVER - MediQual Admission Severity Code */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : No organ failure indication" 1 = "1 : Low organ failure indication" 2 = "2 : Moderate organ failure indication" 3 = "3 : High organ failure indication" 4 = "4 : Existing organ failure" ; Value FNACHTYP /* NACHRI Hospital Type */ 0 = "0: Not in NACHRI children's hospital list" 1 = "1: Freestanding children's general hospital" 2 = "2: Freestanding children's specialty hospital" 3 = "3: Children's unit in a general hospital" ; Value FNEOMAT /* NEOMAT - Neonatal and/or maternal DX and/or PR */ .A = ".A: Invalid DX or PR coding" 0 = "0 : Not neonatal or maternal" 1 = "1 : Maternal" 2 = "2 : Neonatal" 3 = "3 : Neonatal and maternal" ; Value FORPROC /* ORPROC - Major operating room procedure indicator */ .A = ".A: Invalid PR coding" 0 = "0 : No major operating room procedure on record" 1 = "1 : Major operating room procedure on record" ; Value FPAY /* PAY1 - Expected primary payer, uniform; PAY2 - Expected secondary payer, uniform */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavailable from source" .C = ".C: Inconsistent" 1 = "1 : Medicare" 2 = "2 : Medicaid" 3 = "3 : Private insurance" 4 = "4 : Self-pay" 5 = "5 : No charge" 6 = "6 : Other" ; Value FPCCSPR /* ICD-9-CM PR CCS ranges labels */ .A = ".A: Invalid procedure" .C = ".C: Inconsistent procedure" 1 - 9 = " 1: Proc on Nervous System" 10 - 12 = " 2: Proc on Endocrine System" 13 - 21 = " 3: Proc on Eye" 22 - 26 = " 4: Proc on Ear" 27 - 33 = " 5: Proc on Nose, Mouth, and Pharynx" 34 - 42 = " 6: Proc on Respiratory System" 43 - 63 = " 7: Proc on Cardiovascular System" 64 - 67 = " 8: Proc on Hemic and Lymphatic System" 68 - 99 = " 9: Proc on Digestive System" 100 - 112 = "10: Proc on Urinary System" 113 - 118 = "11: Proc on Male Genital Organs" 119 - 121 = "12: Proc on Female Genital Organs" 122 = "13: Obstetrical Procedures" 123 - 132 = "12: Proc on Female Genital Organs" 133 - 141 = "13: Obstetrical Procedures" 142 - 164 = "14: Proc on Musculoskeletal System" 165 - 175 = "15: Proc on Integumentary System" 176 - 231 = "16: Misc Diag and Therapeutic Procs" ; Value FPRCCS /* ICD-9-CM PR CCS ranges labels */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" 1 - 231 = "1- 231: CCS category" ; Value FPRDAY /* PRDAYn - Number of days from admission to procedure n */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavail from source" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" -4 = " -4 days" -3 = " -3 days" -2 = " -2 days" -1 = " -1 day" 0 = " 0 days" 1 = " 1 day" 2 = " 2 days" 3 = " 3 days" 4 = " 4 days" 5 = " 5 days" 6 - 30 = " 6 - 30 days" 31 - 60 = " 31 - 60 days" 61 - 90 = " 61 - 90 days" 91 - 210 = " 91 - 210 days" 211 - 330 = "211 - 330 days" 331 - 368 = "331 - 368 days" ; Value FPROFEE /* PROFEE - Indicator of professional fees in total charges */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 1 = "1 : Professional fees included in TOTCHG" 2 = "2 : No professional fees in TOTCHG" ; Value FPRSYS /* PRSYS - Procedure system */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 1 = "1 : ICD-9-CM" 2 = "2 : CPT-4" 3 = "3 : HCPCS/CPT-4" ; Value FRACE /* RACE - Race */ .A = ".A: Invalid" .B = ".B: Unavailable from source" 1 = "1 : White" 2 = "2 : Black" 3 = "3 : Hispanic" 4 = "4 : Asian/Pacific Islander" 5 = "5 : Native American" 6 = "6 : Other" ; Value FREADMIT /* READMIT - Readmission */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : Not a readmission" 1 = "1 : Readmission" ; Value FSERVICE /* SERVICELINE - Hospital Service Line */ .A = ".A: Invalid DX or PR coding" 1 = "1 : Maternal and Neonatal" 2 = "2 : Mental health/substance use" 3 = "3 : Injury" 4 = "4 : Surgical" 5 = "5 : Medical" ; Value FTEACH /* Hospital Teaching Status */ 0 = "0: Nonteaching" 1 = "1: Teaching" ; Value FTOTCHG /* TOTCHG - Total charges, cleaned; TOTCHG_X - Total charges, as received from data source */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .C = " .C: Inconsistent" 0 -< 0.5 = " $0" 0.5 -< 4.5 = " $1- $4" 4.5 -< 14.5 = " $5- $14" 14.5 -< 24.5 = " $15- $24" 24.5 -< 100 = " $25- $99" 100 -< 1000.5 = " $100- $1,000" 1000.5 -< 5000.5 = " $1,001- $5,000" 5000.5 -< 10000.5 = " $5,001- $10,000" 10000.5 -< 50000.5 = " $10,001- $50,000" 50000.5 -< 100000.5 = " $50,001- $100,000" 100000.5 -< 200000.5 = "$100,001- $200,000" 200000.5 -< 300000.5 = "$200,001- $300,000" 300000.5 -< 400000.5 = "$300,001- $400,000" 400000.5 -< 500000.5 = "$400,001- $500,000" 500000.5 -< 1000000.5 = "$500,001-$1,000,000" 1000000.5 - HIGH = "Over $1,000,000" ; Value FTRAN_IN /* TRAN_IN - Transfer in indicator */ 0 = "0: Not a transfer" 1 = "1: Transferred in from a different acute care hospital" 2 = "2: Transferred in from another type of health facility" ; Value FTRAN_OUT /* TRAN_OUT - Transfer out indicator */ 0 = "0: Not a transfer" 1 = "1: Transferred out to a different acute care hospital" 2 = "2: Transferred out to another type of health facility" ; Value FZIP4INC /* ZIPINC4 - Median income for patient's ZIP Code (4 categories) */ 1 = "1: $0-$25,000" 2 = "2: $25,001-$30,000" 3 = "3: $30,001-$35,000" 4 = "4: $35,001+" ; Value FZIP8INC /* ZIPINC8 - Median income for patient's ZIP Code (8 categories */ 1 = "1: $0-$15,000" 2 = "2: $15,001-$20,000" 3 = "3: $20,001-$25,000" 4 = "4: $25,001-$30,000" 5 = "5: $30,001-$35,000" 6 = "6: $35,001-$40,000" 7 = "7: $40,001-$45,000" 8 = "8: $45,001+" ; Value FZIPINC /* ZIPINC - Median household income for patient's ZIP Code (based on 1999 demographics) */ 1 = "1: $0-$24,999" 2 = "2: $25,000-$34,999" 3 = "3: $35,000-$44,999" 4 = "4: $45,000+" ; Value FZIQ /* ZIPINC_QRTL - Median household income for patient's ZIP Code (based on current year) */ 1 = "1: First quartile" 2 = "2: Second quartile" 3 = "3: Third quartile" 4 = "4: Fourth quartile" ; Value F_CNTRL /* st-owner mapping */ 0 = "0: Government or private (collapsed category)" 1 = "1: Government, non-federal (public)" 2 = "2: Private, not-for-profit (voluntary)" 3 = "3: Private, investor-owned (proprietary)" 4 = "4: Private (collapsed category)" ; Value $HCPCS /* PTn - CPT-4/HCPCS procedures */ "00100" - "01999" = "Anesthesia" "10040" - "69990" = "Surgery" "70010" - "79999" = "Radiology" "80049" - "89399" = "Pathology and Laboratory" "90281" - "99199" = "Medicine" "99201" - "99499" = "Evaluation and Management" "A0000" - "A0999" = "Transportation" "A2000" - "A2999" = "Chiropractic" "A4000" - "A4999" = "Medical and Surgical Supplies" "A9000" - "A9999" = "Miscellaneous and Experimental" "B4000" - "B9999" = "Enteral and Parenteral Therapy" "D0000" - "D9999" = "Dental" "E0000" - "E9999" = "Durable Medical Equipment" "G0000" - "G9999" = "Temporary Procedures/Services" "H5000" - "H5999" = "Rehabilitation" "J0000" - "J8999" = "Drugs (Non-oral)" "J9000" - "J9999" = "Chemotherapy Drugs" "K0000" - "K9999" = "Temporary Dmercs" "L0000" - "L4999" = "Orthotic" "L5000" - "L9999" = "Prosthetic" "M0000" - "M9999" = "Medicine" "P0000" - "P9999" = "Pathology and Laboratory" "Q0000" - "Q0099" = "Temporary Codes" "R0000" - "R5999" = "Radiology" "S0000" - "S9999" = "Private Payer Codes" "V0000" - "V2999" = "Vision" "V5000" - "V5999" = "Hearing" "W0000" - "Z9999" = "Local Codes" "incn2" = "CPT/HCPCS inconsistent with sex" "incn3" = "CPT/HCPCS inconsistent with age" "invl" = "Invalid CPT/HCPCS (invl)" "OTHER" = "Other" ; Value HCUPAS /* HCUPAS - HCUP Ambulatory Surgery service indicator */ 1 = "1: Ambulatory Surgery ICD-9-CM procedure code on record" 2 = "2: Ambulatory Surgery CPT procedure code on record" 3 = "3: Ambulatory Surgery revenue code on record" 4 = "4: UB-92 bill type of "83X"" ; Value HCUPED /* HCUPED - HCUP Emergency Department service indicator */ 1 = "1: Emergency Department revenue code on record" 2 = "2: Positive Emergency Department charge (when revenue center codes are not available)" 3 = "3: Emergency Department CPT procedure code on record" 4 = "4: Condition code P7, indication of ED admission, point of origin of ED, or admission source of ED" ; Value HCUPOS /* HCUPOS - HCUP Observation Stay service indicator */ 1 = "1: Observation Stay revenue code on record" 2 = "2: Positive Observation Stay charge (when revenue center codes are not available))" 4 = "4: Observation Stay CPT procedure code on record" ; Value HOMELESS /* Homeless - Indicator that patient is homeless */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : Not identified as homeless" 1 = "1 : Homeless" ; Value HOSP_DIVISION /* Census division of hospital */ 2 = "2: Middle Atlantic" 3 = "3: East North Central" 4 = "4: West North Central" 5 = "5: South Atlantic" 6 = "6: East South Central" 7 = "7: West South Central" 8 = "8: Mountain" 9 = "9: Pacific" OTHER = ".: Missing" ; Value INJURYF /* Injury indicator */ 0 = "0: No injury diagnoses reported" 1 = "1: Injury is reported in first-listed diagnosis" 2 = "2: Injury is reported in a diagnosis other than the first-listed diagnosis" ; Value INTENSIVECARE /* INTENSIVECARE - Indicator of type of intensive care received by patient */ .A = " .A: Invalid" 0 = " 0 : No Intensive Care" 1 = " 1 : Neonatal ICU" 2 = " 2 : Surgical/Medical" 3 = " 3 : Pediatric" 4 = " 4 : Psychiatric" 5 = " 5 : Burn Care" 6 = " 6 : Trauma" 7 = " 7 : General/Post ICU" 8 = " 8 : Heart Transplant" 9 = " 9 : General / Mycardial Infarction / Pulmonary Care/Post CCU/Other Coronary Care" 99 = "99 : Intensive Care" ; Value LOCTCHN /* locteach (location/teaching) */ 1 = "1: Rural" 2 = "2: Urban nonteaching" 3 = "3: Urban teaching" ; Value $MARITALSTATUSUB04F /* MARITALSTATUS - Marital status of patient */ "A" = "A: Common law" "B" = "B: Registered domestic partner" "D" = "D: Divorced" "I" = "I: Single" "M" = "M: Married" "S" = "S: Separated" "U" = "U: Unmarried (single or divorced or widowed)" "W" = "W: Widowed" "X" = "X: Legally separated" ; Value MHSMEMB /* HOSP_MHSMEMBER */ 0 = "0: Hospital is not a member of a multi-hospital system" 1 = "1: Hospital is a member of a multi-hospital system" ; Value MSA1993F /* PL_MSA1993 - Patient location: Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) 1993 */ 0 = "0: Non-MSA" 1 = "1: MSA" ; Value MULTINJURYF /* Multi-injury indicator */ 0 = "0: One or no injury diagnosis reported" 1 = "1: More than one injury diagnosis reported, regardless of position" ; Value NCHSF /* PL_NHCS2006 - Patient Location: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS2006) */ 1 = "1: Large Central Metro" 2 = "2: Large Fringe Metro" 3 = "3: Medium Metro" 4 = "4: Small Metro" 5 = "5: Micropolitan" 6 = "6: Noncore" ; Value NUMDAYS /* DaysBurnUnit, DaysCCU, DaysICU, DaysNICU, DaysPICU, DaysShockUnit */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .N = " .N: Not applicable" 0 = " 0 days" 1 = " 1 day" 2 = " 2 days" 3 = " 3 days" 4 = " 4 days" 5 = " 5 days" 6 = " 6 days" 7 = " 7 days" 8 = " 8 days" 9 = " 9 days" 10 = " 10 days" 11 - 20 = " 11 - 20 days" 21 - 50 = " 21 - 50 days" 51 - 100 = " 51 - 100 days" 101 - 365 = " 101 - 365 days" 366 - 999 = " 366 - 999 days" ; Value NUMMONTH /* AMONTH - Admission month */ .A = " .A: Invalid" .B = " .B: Unavail from source" 1 = " 1 : January" 2 = " 2 : February" 3 = " 3 : March" 4 = " 4 : April" 5 = " 5 : May" 6 = " 6 : June" 7 = " 7 : July" 8 = " 8 : August" 9 = " 9 : September" 10 = "10 : October" 11 = "11 : November" 12 = "12 : December" ; Value $POA /* DXPOAn - Diagnosis n, present on admission indicator */ "1" = "1: Diagnosis exempt for POA reporting" "E" = "E: Diagnosis exempt for POA reporting" "N" = "N: No or Not present at time of inpatient admission" "U" = "U: Documentation is insufficient" "W" = "W: Provider is unable to clinically determine" "X" = "X: Hospital exempt from POA reporting" "Y" = "Y: Yes or Present at time of inpatient admission" ; Value $REVFGS /* REVCDn - Revenue code */ "0001" = "0001: Total Charge" "0002" - "0019" = "00xx: Not defined" "0020" - "0029" = "002x: Health Insurance-Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) Rate Code" "0030" - "0099" = "00xx: Not defined" "0100" - "0109" = "010x: All Inclusive Rate" "0110" - "0119" = "011x: Room & Board -Private" "0120" - "0129" = "012x: Room & Board -Semi-Private 2 bed" "0130" - "0139" = "013x: Room & Board -Semi-Private 3-4 bed" "0140" - "0149" = "014x: Room & Board -Private Deluxe" "0150" - "0159" = "015x: Room & Board -Ward" "0160" - "0169" = "016x: Room & Board -Other" "0170" - "0179" = "017x: Nursery" "0180" - "0189" = "018x: Leave of Absence" "0190" - "0199" = "019x: Subacute Care" "0200" - "0209" = "020x: Intensive Care" "0210" - "0219" = "021x: Coronary Care" "0220" - "0229" = "022x: Special Charges" "0230" - "0239" = "023x: Incremental Nursing Charge Rate" "0240" - "0249" = "024x: All inclusive Ancillary" "0250" - "0259" = "025x: Pharmacy" "0260" - "0269" = "026x: IV Therapy" "0270" - "0279" = "027x: Med/Surg Supplies and Devices" "0280" - "0289" = "028x: Oncology" "0290" - "0299" = "029x: Durable medical equipment" "0300" - "0309" = "030x: Laboratory" "0310" - "0319" = "031x: Laboratory pathology" "0320" - "0329" = "032x: Radiology -Diagnostic" "0330" - "0339" = "033x: Radiology -Therapeutic" "0340" - "0349" = "034x: Nuclear Medicine" "0350" - "0359" = "035x: CT scan" "0360" - "0369" = "036x: Operating Room" "0370" - "0379" = "037x: Anesthesia" "0380" - "0389" = "038x: Blood" "0390" - "0399" = "039x: Blood administration & storage" "0400" - "0409" = "040x: Other Imaging Services" "0410" - "0419" = "041x: Respiratory Services" "0420" - "0429" = "042x: Physical Therapy" "0430" - "0439" = "043x: Occupational Therapy" "0440" - "0449" = "044x: Speech Pathology" "0450" - "0459" = "045x: Emergency Room" "0460" - "0469" = "046x: Pulmonary Function" "0470" - "0479" = "047x: Audiology" "0480" - "0489" = "048x: Cardiology" "0490" - "0499" = "049x: Ambulatory Surgical Care" "0500" - "0509" = "050x: Outpatient Services" "0510" - "0519" = "051x: Clinic" "0520" - "0529" = "052x: Free-standing clinic" "0530" - "0539" = "053x: Osteopathic services" "0540" - "0549" = "054x: Ambulance" "0550" - "0559" = "055x: Skilled Nursing" "0560" - "0569" = "056x: Medical Social Services" "0570" - "0579" = "057x: Home Health Aide" "0580" - "0589" = "058x: Home Health Other Visit" "0590" - "0599" = "059x: Home Health Units of Service" "0600" - "0609" = "060x: Home Health Oxygen" "0610" - "0619" = "061x: Magnetic Resonance Technology" "0620" - "0629" = "062x: Med/Surg Supplies and Devices" "0630" - "0639" = "063x: Pharmacy" "0640" - "0649" = "064x: Home IV Therapy Services" "0650" - "0659" = "065x: Hospice" "0660" - "0669" = "066x: Respite Care" "0670" - "0679" = "067x: Outpatient Special Residence" "0680" - "0689" = "068x: Trauma Response" "0690" - "0699" = "069x: Pre-hospice-Palliative Care Services" "0700" - "0709" = "070x: Cast Room" "0710" - "0719" = "071x: Recovery Room" "0720" - "0729" = "072x: Labor Room/Delivery" "0730" - "0739" = "073x: Electrocardiogram" "0740" - "0749" = "074x: Electroencephalogram" "0750" - "0759" = "075x: Gastro-intestinal services" "0760" - "0769" = "076x: Specialty Services" "0770" - "0779" = "077x: Preventive Care Services" "0780" - "0789" = "078x: Telemedicine" "0790" - "0799" = "079x: Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy" "0800" - "0809" = "080x: Renal Dialysis -Inpatient" "0810" - "0819" = "081x: Organ Acquisition" "0820" - "0829" = "082x: Hemodialysis -OP or home" "0830" - "0839" = "083x: Peritoneal Dialysis -OP or home" "0840" - "0849" = "084x: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) -OP or home" "0850" - "0859" = "085x: Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) -OP or home" "0860" - "0861" = "086x: Magnetoencephalography" "0870" - "0879" = "087x: Cell/Gene Therapy" "0880" - "0889" = "088x: Dialysis -Miscellaneous" "0890" - "0899" = "089x: Pharmacy > Extension codes related to drug/cell therapy" "0900" - "0909" = "090x: Behavioral Health Treatment" "0910" - "0919" = "091x: Behavioral Health Treatment" "0920" - "0929" = "092x: Other Diagnostic Services" "0930" - "0939" = "093x: Medical Rehab Day Program" "0940" - "0949" = "094x: Other Therapeutic Services" "0950" - "0959" = "095x: Other Therapeutic Services" "0960" - "0969" = "096x: Professional Fees" "0970" - "0979" = "097x: Professional Fees" "0980" - "0989" = "098x: Professional Fees" "0990" - "0999" = "099x: Convenience Items" "1000" - "1009" = "100x: Behavioral Health Accommodations" "2100" - "2109" = "210x: Alternative Therapy Services" "3100" - "3109" = "310x: Adult Care" "OTHER" = "Out of range" ; Value RUCA10F /* PL_RUCA10, PL_RUCA10_2005 - Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes, ten levels */ 1 = " 1: Metro core" 2 = " 2: Metro area, commuting to urban areas" 3 = " 3: Metro area, low commuting" 4 = " 4: Large town core (10,000 - 50,000)" 5 = " 5: Large town, commuting to large towns" 6 = " 6: Large towns, low commuting" 7 = " 7: Small town core (2,500 - 10,000)" 8 = " 8: Small town, commuting to small towns" 9 = " 9: Small town, low commuting" 10 = "10: Rural" ; Value RUCA4F /* PL_RUCA4, PL_RUCA4_2005 - Patient location: Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes, four levels */ 1 = "1: Urban" 2 = "2: Large town (rural)" 3 = "3: Small town (rural)" 4 = "4: Isolated rural" ; Value RUCC03F /* PL_RUCC2003 - Patient location: Rural-Urban Continuum (RUCC) Codes, 2003 */ 1 = "1: Metro - Counties in metro areas of 1 million population or more" 2 = "2: Metro - Counties in metro areas of 250,000 to 1 million population" 3 = "3: Metro - Counties in metro areas of fewer than 250,000 population" 4 = "4: Non-Metro - Urban population of 20,000 or more, adjacent to a metro area" 5 = "5: Non-Metro - Urban population of 20,000 or more, not adjacent to a metro area" 6 = "6: Non-Metro - Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, adjacent to a metro area" 7 = "7: Non-Metro - Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, not adjacent to a metro area" 8 = "8: Non-Metro - Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, adjacent to a metro area" 9 = "9: Non-Metro - Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, not adjacent to a metro area" ; Value RUCCF /* PL_RUCC - Patient location: Rural-Urban Continuum (RUCC) Codes */ 0 = "0: Metro - Central counties of metro areas, population >= 1 million" 1 = "1: Metro - Fringe counties of metro areas, population >= 1 million" 2 = "2: Metro - Counties in metro areas, population of 250,000 to 1 million" 3 = "3: Metro - Counties in metro areas, population < 250,000" 4 = "4: Non-Metro - Urban population of 20,000 or more, adjacent to a metro area" 5 = "5: Non-Metro - Urban population of 20,000 or more, not adjacent to a metro area" 6 = "6: Non-Metro - Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, adjacent to a metro area" 7 = "7: Non-Metro - Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, not adjacent to a metro area" 8 = "8: Non-Metro - Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, adjacent to a metro area" 9 = "9: Non-Metro - Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, not adjacent to a metro area" ; Value STATEAS /* STATEAS - State Ambulatory Surgery service indicator */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : Record does not meet state Ambulatory Surgery criteria" 1 = "1 : Record meets state Ambulatory Surgery criteria" ; Value STATEED /* STATEED - State Emergency Department service indicator */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : Record does not meet state Emergency Department criteria" 1 = "1 : Record meets state Emergency Department criteria" ; Value STATEOS /* STATEOS - State Observation Stay service indicator */ .A = ".A: Invalid" 0 = "0 : Record does not meet state Observation Stay criteria" 1 = "1 : Record meets state Observation Stay criteria" ; Value ST_REGN /* st_reg mapping */ 1 = "1: Northeast" 2 = "2: Midwest" 3 = "3: South" 4 = "4: West" ; Value SYSTEM /* Hospital System */ 1 = "1: Centralized Health System" 2 = "2: Centralized Physician/Insurance Health System" 3 = "3: Moderately Centralized Health System" 4 = "4: Decentralized Health System" 5 = "5: Independent Hospital System" 6 = "6: Unassigned" ; Value UIC2003F /* PL_UIC - Patient location: Urban Influence Codes */ 1 = " 1: Large-in a metro area with at least 1 million residents or more" 2 = " 2: Small-in a metro area with fewer than 1 million residents" 3 = " 3: Micropolitan adjacent to a large metro area" 4 = " 4: Noncore adjacent to a large metro area" 5 = " 5: Micropolitan adjacent to a small metro area" 6 = " 6: Noncore adjacent to a small metro with town of at least 2,500 residents" 7 = " 7: Noncore adjacent to a small metro and does not contain a town of at least 2,500 residents" 8 = " 8: Micropolitan not adjacent to a metro area" 9 = " 9: Noncore adjacent to micro area and contains a town of 2,500-19,999 residents" 10 = "10: Noncore adjacent to micro area and does not contain a town of at least 2,500 residents" 11 = "11: Noncore not adjacent to a metro/micro area and contains a town of 2,500 or more residents" 12 = "12: Noncore not adjacent to a metro/micro area and does not contain a town of at least 2,500 residents" ; Value UR_CAT4F /* PL_UR_CAT4 - Patient Location: Urban-Rural 4 Categories */ 1 = "1: Large metropolitan areas with at least 1 million residents" 2 = "2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents" 3 = "3: Micropolitan areas" 4 = "4: Not metropolitan or micropolitan" ; Value UR_CAT5F /* PL_UR_CAT5 - Patient Location: Urban-Rural 5 Categories */ 1 = "1: Large metropolitan areas with at least 1 million residents" 2 = "2: Small metropolitan areas with less than 1 million residents" 3 = "3: Micropolitan areas" 4 = "4: Non-urban areas adjacent to a metropolitan or micropolitan area" 5 = "5: Non-urban areas, not adjacent to a metropolitan or micropolitan area" ; Run;