EDevent indicates the outcome of the ED visit (e.g., patient was treated and released, patient was transferred to another hospital, patient was admitted to this hospital, etc.). EDevent is missing if the data source did not provide an indication of the disposition of the patient from the ED. EDevent is defined using the data element HCUPfile and DISP_ED as specified below.
ED Event |
Value of HCUPFILE |
Value of DISP_ED |
(1) ED visit in which the patient is treated and released |
"SEDD" |
1: Routine
5: Transferred to other type of facility
6: Home health care
7: Against medical advice
(2) ED visit in which the patient is admitted to this same hospital |
"SID" |
9: Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital |
(3) ED visit in which the patient is transferred to another short-term hospital |
"SEDD" |
2: Transfer to short-term hospital |
(9) ED visit in which the patient died in the ED |
"SEDD" |
20: Died in the ED |
(98) ED visit in which the patient is not admitted to this same hospital, destination unknown |
"SEDD" |
98: Not admitted to this hospital, destination unknown |
(99) ED visit in which the patient is not admitted to this same hospital, destination unknown |
"SEDD" |
99: Not admitted to this hospital, discharged alive, destination unknown |
Type of ED event unknown |
"SEDD" |
Missing (.) or invalid (.A) |